Online Compline (Night Prayer)



Sundays at 9pm




Just click this link - it's the same every week:


Meeting ID: 726 7443 6320  Passcode: dUCV81


An example of the text we use can be seen at


The service lasts about 15 minutes. You can just watch or take part. Two speakers each week read the text. If you'd rather just listen, you could mute yourself or even Stop Video and remain unheard and unseen. Either way, you're still most welcome. The online Compline started in Lent 2023 to run until Easter 2023. Those taking part regularly wanted to continue and here we are, one year on.


We're here every Sunday at 9pm. Places don't matter with Zoom so please join from wherever you live or are staying (even on holiday in Tenerife). There's no commitment, you're free in every sense. It's a gentle way to ease out of this week before the next, and there's no sermon or collection!



Best wishes



Reader at Nidd